With Network Utility X you can quickly find all informations about your network. Information such as internal and external IP, ISP name, network name, MAC address, gateway address, subnet mask and DNS addresses. In addition, with a single click you can PING a domain, query a Whois server or use NSLookup/Dig service to discover every info about it.
You can copy any information of the network that you are connected with a simple right-click on it!
An amazing real time graph help you to visualize PING response times, and Network Utility v4 has also real time stats.
The Geo IP tool allows you to to quickly geolocalize a domain or IP in a matter of seconds.
An useful widget brings network info into your Notification Center. Keep under control your machine’s IP, downlink and uplink speeds and many other informations.
Start an action on Mac and replicate it on your iPad/iPhone with a single tap (Require Network Utility v4.2 or greater).
II. Instruction