Comprehensively manage your personal finances. iFinance allows you to keep track of your income and expenses in the most convenient and fastest way. By taking a quick look at it’s useful evaluations and charts, you’ll immediately know what you spend money on and where your income comes from – optimizing your finances becomes a breeze! iFinance’s automatic category assignment, keywords, budgets and analysis features will turn your bank account history into much more than a list of bare figures.
Would you like to find out how your assets perform or why you max out your bank account on a regular basis without really knowing where your salary goes each month? iFinance 4 has all the answers. Is it current spending such as rent or mortgage payments, insurances, food or loans? Or do nights out with friends, special treats, impulse purchases, and tobacco products add up to a hefty sum?
Have iFinance analyze your finances and see immediately what your biggest spending items are and where there is potential for savings.